
Coleman Exponent is proud to be Partner of my 2008 expedition from New York to Los Angeles.


Durango hometown Hostel
I haven't stayed at many Hostels, but this one must be the best one ever. Candace is a great host and you'll be glad you stayed here.

BJ Hill
I met this guy loitering around the St Louis Arch, he's also walking across the states but the other way.

This forum has been my most valuable source of info in preparation for my walk & I'd highly recommend a look. These guys are the Daddy dictionary of hiking!

the Couch Surfing Project
CouchSurfing is a community set up to internationally network people and places, create educational exchanges, raise collective consciousness, spread tolerance and facilitate cultural understanding, all through the surfing of couches!

Irina Davies
Kindly designed my logo for me. Logo's, graphic design, you name it she does it.

Peter Jenkins
His classic first book 'A Walk Across America' is a must read for anyone with the itch to drop everything and go a'discoverin'.

Brits International
If you're a British ex-pat and fancy hooking up with fellow Brits in the USA, check these guys out.

rhythm plate
Their music is so good i hear it in my sleep. No really.

Help for Heroes
Although i'm not fundraising for this charity, they all have common goals & Help for Heroes epitomizes what my charity walk is all about.

Mr Hancock's blog
Need somit rit proper? This man is like an educated Karl Pilkington, and he's helped me out no end with my walkamerica prep. Cheers chap.


Ligonier Beach
Massive swimming pool, nice bar and brilliant staff, all on the mountain side. Can't ask for more.