Day 39, Fri 25th July

Last night was clear skies so i decided to ditch the tent and sleep under the stars like i often do. Unfortunately the dew was unusually bad and when i woke up i thought it had either rained or a passing herd of cows had peed on me. 10 miles later i was in Vandalia for breakfast. I had made the mistake of weighing myself on Nancys bathroom scales in Springfield and was shocked to see i'd lost 15pounds in a month. If that continues i'd be 5stone by the time i finish, so i'm making a concerted effort to eat more. If you're ever in Vanda, try Jim's donuts, i had 5 and still wanted more. I chillaxed for the rest of the day, slowly walking to Englewood metropark then following some of the trails through the woods and around the lake. Jealous everyone was rushing home to a fun-filled crazy weekend, i went to the world famous, one screen $3 a pop Englewood cinema to watch Ironman. Shame i had to be home by 9.30, you cant put a tent up in the dark, let alone find somewhere to put it up.