Today i recieved my lightweight kit from Coleman Exponent, and when i say lightweight i mean lightweight. Think of size zero girls on a diet, Mick Hucknall's hair, the feeling after you've gone for a pee that you've been holding in for ages. I'm slightly worried that i can fit my home for the next 6 months into a shopping bag & still have room left for biscuits, but i suppose that's half the fun of it. I'll be doing reviews of the kit whilst on my travels so keep an eye out.

For probably the first time in my life i was glad i got up early on Sunday. at 7.30am in the middle of the night the cat sat on my face wanting to be fed, and after getting up to strangle the little feline i noticed that it had snowed. So i whacked out my camera & 24 hours later my photo's were in the local paper! Mine are the first 7 photo's, David Bailey eat your heart out. Also available for weddings and pajama parties.