Day 76

How i managed to drag myself away from the beautiful people for this i dont know. To go west, i first had to hike an annoying 10 miles south. Today is Labor day, why America celebrates child-birth i'm not sure but it gives everyone an extra day to drive their oversized campers and sports cars. It should be called 'i cant drive for jack' day. It seems a lot of people save just enough for their penis extensions then cant afford driving lessons. Not wanting to sound like John McCaine i should point out there are drivers that pull out, smile and wave, they're not all bad. The rest of the afternoon was a long and tiring 15 miles to the charming town of Overbrook. I tried getting permission from the county sheriff to camp at the lake, but they must have all been at the hospital celebrating Labor day as all i got was an ansa-machine. I settled for the fair ground and pitched my new tent for the 1st time. I'm liking it, a lot.