Day 82 Sunday 7th Sept

No wonder these old railway towns are dying a slow death. Even though i camped well away from the railway line it felt and sounded as if a freight train was speeding past my tent all night. Oh yea it was. Zero sleep does not make for happy Nick. I was cheered up every time a cattle train sped past, for some reason the sound of 50mph mooing cows is hilarious. I felt a little guilty as they came back the other way empty, so comforted myself with some beef jerky. I came off the line in Canton and had the most unusual sunday lunch there-mashed potato with gravy, mixed veg and fried chicken followed by ice cream. Not quite roast beef and yorkshire pud but it filled a hole. It was then back on the highway for a hard slog to McPherson where i plan to take a rest day and see the delights McPherson has to offer.