Day 106 Wed 1st October

Hi there, you miss me? Er hello?! It's been a fantastic few rest days, courtesy of my bro Jez. Big shout out to John Hartford for letting us use his pad in Vail, hugely appreciated. In 4 days we've sussed my final route for the last 1,200 miles, eaten like John Prescott and loaded up with winter gear ready for the mountains. This afternoon after saying bye to Jez it was a short 10 miles to a local campsite. At $25 a night i was dribbling with anticipation, why so pricey? Diamond coated grass? Heated picnic benches? skantily clad ladies waiting to massage my feet? Lets just say i was hugely disappointed. The reason for this disgraceful breach of my american right to camp where the hell i like is due to the fact that i'm walking alongside Fort Carson, a massive Army base stretching 30 miles along my route. Friendly donut eating fuzz i can handle, burly men with guns looking for hiking terrorists i cant. Small fact- the mountain looming over my campsite sits on top of NORAD. If a nuclear war happens to break out tonight my gene pool is safe.