Day 135 Thurs 30th Oct

The funniest thing happened and i'm still laughing about it. This morning a pickup pulling a caravan drove past and rudely honked at me. I'm used to it by now and it doesn't bother me as i'm a firm believer in what comes around goes around, and boy did it today. An hour or so later i turned a corner to see the same pickup pulled in at the side of the road. Upon reaching it i laughed in hysterics at the flat tire on the caravan, and as i hobbled past the truck i gave the driver a smile and a 'honk honk'. Priceless. My other highlight soon after was the classic stereotypical route 66 store in Hackberry. It had everything from classic old cars, rusty 66 signs, original gas pumps, memorabilia, the lot. It was a tourist magnet and i loved it. Now the downside. Its been a long day of walking from 4am so i could reach my last stop Ville Vista before dark, leaving me with a short 14 miles tomorrow to Kingman to rest and get my ankle sorted. Unfortunately my ankle had other ideas. I've held off the painkillers so i wouldn't overdo it and a mile before Villa Vista it got really bad. It didn't exactly give way but it hurt enough for me to confess my dirty mouth sins for a month. Short of money, i took the sensible option of hitching a ride to Kingman to pick up a money transfer and buy a new foot. Lets hope Walmart have my size in stock.