Day 134

It's a unique experience sleeping under the stars in the quiet desert and i would recommend it to anyone. You could spend hours just staring in awe at the sky, which is a good thing as there's little else to do once it's dark. It's a bit like having a relaxing hot bath, except it's not hot. And you're not in a bath. The main street of america is becoming mountainous and i'm becoming to realise that my route 66 leaflet has slightly over-hyped my stretch of the highway. There was nothing vaguely historic or well preserved in Peach Springs apart from the lady who served me in the hotel restaurant. I didn't have the energy to give Truxton enough credit as it sat on a long, painful 9 mile straight road which i just managed to walk across before dark. I still have a few towns left though so i'm hopeful I'll see some Monroe lookalikes draped over a '57 Corvette. Today i saw an Indian sat at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, a German and a donkey. Not all at the same time though.