Day 107

My new Coleman sleeping bag combined with a new air matress made for a cracking nights sleep, and i was raring to get back on the road. coleman have also given me a new larger pack to hold my extra kit and somehow they've made it even better than my old one. For my 1st day back i decided to take it easy-25 miles of hilly terrain carrying a heavier pack and wearing new shoes. Clever. By the time i reached Penrose i could barely walk and i nearly fainted in the queue at Subway. With a random thunderstorm thrown in (the lightning was waay too close for my liking) it made for a challenging day, but i was happy and the feeling of accomplishment made it all worthwhile. In my book, if you're gonna do something, do it and then some. I'm still on the outskirts of the real momma mountains however tomorrow i enter Royal Gorge country with a 3 day climb up to 10,000ft to look forward to. Let the fun begin.