Day 137 Saturday 1st Nov

It was foot-rest friday, a hard thing to do when you need both feet for menial tasks such as walking and kicking small children. The evening was spent with my fabulous Kingman host Tanya. Along with the gorgeous Maryanne & Helen we trick-or-treated (i watched as i forgot to pack my fancy dress costume), ate fantastic food and consumed a range of alcoholic beverages all in the name of science. One of the bars was halloween fancy dress only so i went dressed as an Englishman. I pulled it off beautifully. Today i decided on a foot test. After a sad farewell to everyone and a quick stop at Walmart (selling America for less) i slowly made a short 6 mile walk to Crazy Fred's truck stop south of Kingman. The outcome is still inconclusive-i can only make 3rd gear before the pain kicks in, but i can walk. That's enough for me, so tomorrow it's back to business...