Day 149 Thursday 13th Nov

I'm finally out of the desert and back in the real world, although from what I've seen of it so far all i want to do is turn around and go back. A few days ago i was in Erin Brokevick(?) Territory, a place where everyone knows everyone, people wave and generally live happy peaceful lives on their quiet ranches. Here at Antelope Centre you pay for a soda through bullet-proof glass, people throw their trash anywhere but in the bin and crazy people wander the streets. One guy hassled me wanting to look in my backpack, i thoroughly confused the mentallist by demanding to look into his bag first. He soon swaggered off confused. If you ever get hassled by strange people just act stranger, it works every time. The good news is that tomorrow i leave Scumsville behind and make my way into the Angeles Forest for a few days of contemplation before entering big bad LA Sunday afternoon. Tuesday is my confirmed finish date, in 74 miles it will all be over. If you haven't yet donated please please do, it's unfortunate that I've timed my walk in such uncertain and hard times but it's all the more reason to make sure that our wounded troops and their families are given the support they deserve.