Day 143 Friday 7th Oct

The picture pretty much says it all, shrubery, rocks and sand. Tuesday involved a difficult walk across the desert following the railway line and interstate before joining route 66 at Goffs gas station. Apart from a few abandoned houses there was absolutely nothing of interest, so from sun up to past sun down i walked and walked. Maybe i am Forrest Gump. My ankle strapping and Ibuprofen are doing their job and although i'm still struggling i'm confident i can make the finish line. I've been lucky with the weather, things have cooled and a nice chilly breeze has helped me along so no issues with lack of water. Boy am i hungry though. Upon reaching civilisation in Ludlow i stuffed my face with cheap food like a real American. I'm dying for some proper food with a nutritional value higher than a piece of wood. I've seen 4 cars in 3 days. None of the drivers waved. I've decided the best name in the world is Sandy Beaches. I'm covered in sand and keep saying to myself 'how did that get there?!' Apologies if you've sent me an email and i haven't replied yet, i will try my best to get back to you once i get internet again. 12 days left, blimmin marvelous.