Day 144

It's not graffiti it's art. If i dont keep myself occupied I'll go mad(der). The long and winding road(damn that song) is starting to affect me as i couldn't even work out what month it was on my last post. Route 66 is now following the I-40 and i'm starting to see life. People were searching for something around a random big hole in the desert, obviously a UFO crash site. I met a guy with more beard than clothing called Fred who was being pulled along on his tricycle by a dog. Really. Me being an athiest he in no uncertain terms told me 'I've a hellova shock coming'. He didn't tell me when or if it would be a good shock which has left me a bit confuzzled, so I'll make doubly sure i dont pee on any electric fences. I walked on a lava flow. No it wasn't hot. I saw a train overtake another train and felt sorry for the slow driver as i bet his mates are now giving him loads of stick for being so slow. Throw in a load of walking and it's been one crazy day. It's already dark however tonight i can go wild and stay up until at least 7pm as I've reached a Texaco gas station with seats, lights and everything.