Day 47 Sat 2nd August

It is in my religion to have a good lie-in. So whilst walking in the dark, foggy 6am dawn i was trying to understand what possible reason i would put myself through this. A mile down the road the reason appeared (see photo above). When you're half asleep and you see the answer to your question in 8ft high glowing lettering, you begin to question your sanity, even if i didn't quite get it. I asked myself what the Indiana State Lottery numbers might be, however God obviously wasn't ready for that one as no answer came. It is Saturday so he's probably having a lie-in. I came across a gas station not on my GPS, so i was able to stock up on morning man-food pretty early. This was a good thing as i didn't hit civilisation again until late afternoon. The scenery has strangely turned back into Pennsylvania landscape which suited me because on hot days like today trees are your best friend. Tomorrow could reach 96f so i walked 30 miles today to make tomorrow easier. All i need to do now is find somewhere to camp, which is hard when you're tired, grumpy, in the midde of a town and there's no word back yet from Jesus.