Day 49 Monday 4th Aug

Last night i stayed with Steph and hubby, and their crazy dogs Beef & Bacon in Terre Haute. They were great hosts and i had a relaxed evening. The lady at the gas station explained how the place was still a redneck town, which explains why recently i've had a lot of drivers shouting at me, presumably words of encouragement and support. I was amazed to hear that she still got funny looks from people just because she's white and her partner's black, talk about living in the 1950's still. I've completed 2 milestones today-i've reached Illinois and walked across a timezone, so now i'm -6hrs behind gmt. By 5pm, or 4pm, whatever, i'd only waked 10 miles. Rubbish my man could walk further i hear you cry. I've been lazy for a number of reasons. The news informed me that the next 2 days were 'dangerous heat days', i'm not sure what that is but it sounded hot and dangerous, especially when you're carrying Meatloaf on your back. So i've decided to test my mothers stress levels and do a little night-time walking. I'm also emotionally drained at the moment so a little 'fox in headlights' action should lift my spirits. Wish me luck...