Day 61 Sat 16th Aug

It was an absolutely beautiful morning, the sky was more blue and clear than any other day of my trip so far. It was also a cool 82f making for great walking weather, if there is such a thing. My target for the day was McKittrick 23 miles away, and i was looking forward to some open views of the Missouri river. This part of the Katy Trail is pretty desolate and i must have only seen around 10 people all day. I no longer like cyclists. Most do not say "hello" rather "you okay?" as if they either pity me or worry about me because they think im a hermit. I also dislike Mozzy spray even more. It is like a bad aftershave, repelling women, dogs, infact pretty much anything except mosquitos. My elbow is still pretty swollen and itchy, strangely the bump has moved down my arm towards my hand, spooky. After some decent photos and some slightly boring walking through woods i reached McKittrick at 4.30pm without a hitch. I like the trail because you can set up camp on the trail head on nicely but grass, there's toilets so you dont need to poo in a hole, and more importantly somewhere to sit, eat, plan for the next day and write this waffle. Another crazy Saturday night then!