Day 64 Tue 19th Aug

A quick damage report and i counted no fewer than 24 mosquito bites and a new sting from a helicopter-sized bug in my motel room which has swollen my arm again. The death penalty was quickly actioned with a flip flop. According to the NBC channel mosquitos are attracted to some people more than others largely due to genetics, so thanks mum, thanks dad. Jefferson City is mainly for blue collar workers so there were few sights to see, giving me plenty of time to restock, check emails and hunt for a Laundromat. People are pretty friendly here and there's a relaxed atmosphere, although the local workers do look like they've just stepped straight out of a United Colours of Benetton advert. Shock horror there was even a high street with European style outdoor seating which increased the pleasure of my caffeine fix. After the rush hour traffic died down i dodged more cars back over the bridge and camped back on the Katy trail ready for my 2 day hump to New Franklin. There seem to be a lot of cars here with lights on even though the trail is closed at night, best zip my sleeping bag right up tonight then.