Day 59 Thurs 14th Aug

It was an early start over the Missouri river and by the end of the day i'd only managed a rubbish 21 miles, 3 of which due to a rubbish necessary detour to stock up on food, coffee and erm, donuts. The Katy Trail is a happy change from roads. The trail is an old railway which loosely follows the Missouri river and a good job has been done with restroom stops, loads of historical markers and more importantly easy and regular access to small railroad towns. It's very much like the Tarka trail back home in Devon, without the otters. After 2 days of new shoes my feet are starting to feel the pain, if i'm lucky i might finally get a real mans blister. I'm currently sat in a bar in a tiny town called Defiance getting some 'food'. I've just chatted to a friendly chap called Jacob, and it turns out he spoke to some other British guys a couple years ago who passed through here. The 2 same guys i was in email contact with in preparation for my walk a few months back. It's a small small world.