Day 74 Sat 30th Aug

Thats it, i cant take anymore, I've had enough. If i have any more fast food im gonna go mad. The only thing fast about it is the way it comes out the other end. I've taken 3 rest days before my long Kansas leg apart from a short 9 mile hike to Kansas City Kansas where i stayed in the very hospitable company of Gawain. From here i have a few weeks of sloping wheat fields before hitting the flatlands. Today was a slow and tiring walk to Tonganoxie 20 miles west. I made a quick stop at the speedway and although the spectator stand and track were smaller than i expected, it all sat on top of a goliath empty hill which was pretty awe-inspiring. I also stopped at Cabelas, a massive outdoor store complete with every stuffed animal ever shot, every gun to shoot every animal, every bit of clothing to wear whilst shooting every animal and those little bags of chocolate coated peanuts. There was supposedly a big camouflage section but i couldn't see it anywhere. Strangely they didnt stock what i went in for-a rimmed hat. Maybe thats why people cant understand what i say here, their ears are all burnt from wearing baseball caps all the time. The rest of the day was one long straight road. Ironically i gave a local delivery driver directions, except he's probably still driving around-i'm English and he was Mexican and i can only stretch to Spanglish.