I have bad news. No your pet hasn't been run over, my phones died. So until i can get a replacement handset(which will take a month because it has to be shipped in from the UK) I'm afraid there won't be any mobile blog posts or photo's. I will keep updating every time i get to a library though.

Anyway about that walking thing I'm doing. Last night i stayed at Nockamixon state Park, and for the first time swam in warm lake which was absolute heaven. Today i sped through 10 miles before 11am and the burning heat to a nice town called Quakertown. No Quakers or porridge to be seen I'm afraid. I've just finished my seond giant soda without being sick. Oh and i have my first blister horray! It's not even a proper blister though, just some little piddly one. i've found a campsite in some woods which i am already starting to regret, ticks do nothing for your motivation.