Erm, I'm still in Durango. I had every intention on hitting the road today but it just didn't happen. I love this place, it has a relaxed, friendly bohemian fell about it and it's unlike any town I've been through. I could quite easy stay here if i had the time and money, alas neither are on my side. I'm glad I've had time to practice on my board, with the extra pack wait a few adjustments had to be made to stop speed wobble-not recommended unless you enjoy signing your name on the pavement with your own blood. I now have a patented air vent on my right trouser leg, all part of the fun. This may well be my last post until i reach(if i reach!) Flagstaff. Indian reservations aren't known for their great phone reception, neither are AT&T. So be safe, stay happy and I'll post as soon as, for tomorrow Nick is on wheels....