I can see why Pittsburgh was voted the best city to live in the USA, i love the place. After saying my goodbyes to Andrea i went back into downtown and hit all the touristy spots. I had dinner in a tavern and watched live bands in market square as the sun went down. It was almost sad that i didnt have anyone to spend the day with, but there were plenty of people to chat to; the really helpful guy from the Legion (sorry i forgot your name); the kids i gave cereal to so they could feed the pigeons(not forgetting the plaster i gave the girl after she fell running away from the pigeons) and Roy the 61 year old drunk who had perfected the art of conversation to befreind people and eventually pursuade them to buy him a drink. You cant sell to a salesman my friend.

The day was topped off with a trip up the Monongahela Incline, a cable car which takes you up Mount Washington with views of the city below. There was even a fireworks display from the Baseball stadium to enjoy. If i ever take any of you lovely ladies up the cable car at night, watch out because I'll be after you. It's one of those romantic destinations i will save to my wooing list.