It's been a quietly enjoyable last couple of days. I must be easily pleased as nothing of note has happened at all, not a chipolata. I'm most pleased with my progress-54 miles in 2 days with little damage to show for it apart from a hungry belly. The only discerning landmarks now are grain silos marking the next town, with the odd ranch or oil well scattered across the landscape. The trouble with seeing grain silos is that although you can see your finish point ahead, it can sometimes be 10 miles away. Hour after hour the damn things just don't get any closer, then suddenly you're there and the next one's waving at you in the distance.

I've now left starestown and entered nicestarestownville. People still gawp, but add a smile or a wave. I haven't seen much of where i am now-Scott City, but Dighton was very welcoming. At 9am a mix of country and rock music played out onto the empty high street from city hall, people stopped to speak, it was all very surreal. Communters are also starting to get to know me as are the cattle trucks. One guy stopped and said "I saw you yesterday, looking good!" Thanks mate, but i like girls. Just now i say a guy i spoke to 3 days ago in Alexander. This place is basically one small community, just very spread out.