A short 16 mile trek and i was in civilisation at last. Last night i camped in Chivington, a small place where half the buildings were derelict and the other half were just liveable. Randy had told me how Chivington used to be a stereotypical railroad town with bars and hore-houses, now it just looks like a tornado has gone through it. The whole area is striaght out of a movie scene with small cacti, sloping scrubland and dry creek beds. Infact it was once Indian territory, and just North(by car at least) is a monument to the Salt Creek Massacre where 300 Indians were slaughtered. It was pretty atmospheric being able to stand in the complete silence looking at the stars and having no-one charging you an entrance fee or trying to sell you 'real Indian sand'. And then 3 police cars sped past and ruined it. They must have been handing out free leftover donuts in Sheridan Lake.

I stayed in Eads for the rest of the day as a big storm was brewing and i didnt want to be caught out in the middle of the Plains. I saw Casey the policeman again, although he was off duty i stopped myself from telling him his girlfriend was hot, you never know. I should have camped in the designated camping area but it was right by the noisy highway 287 truck route, so i pitched instead right outside the police station. A pretty safe bet if you ask me.